Processing Data with BIO_CYCLE.2

Use the "BROWSE FILES" button to upload a dataset. The dataset must be in .tsv format. Download the Example File or visit Help for more information on the correct file format. Press "RUN BIO_CYCLE" to begin processing the current data file. After the processing is complete, the file will download in your browser. The resulting file contains statistics for p-value, q-value, period, lag, and amplitude for each row in the current dataset. Additionally, the code, and some pre-trained models are available for download in the links below and can be run locally.


Pre-Trained Models

Current Data File


If you find BIO_CYCLE useful to your work, please cite the following paper:

What time is it? Deep learning approaches for circadian rhythms
F. Agostinelli, N. Ceglia, B. Shahbaba, P. Sassone-Corsi, and P. Baldi
Bioinformatics, 32(12)i8-i172016